Translation Services

ActionAid Nepal
Location: Nepal
Salary:As Per Organization's Rule
Posted Date: 2020-09-28 Deadline: 2020-09-30
  • Location : Nepal
  • Qualification Degree : Master's Degree
  • Salary : As Per Organization's Rule
  • Category : Others
  • Nature : Contract
Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToR) for Retainer – Translation Services

1. Background and Overview
ActionAid is a global justice federation working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication. It was founded as a charity in 1972, and throughout its history it has innovated and evolved its approach to better address the structural drivers of poverty and injustice. ActionAid believes people living in poverty and exclusion have the power within them to create change for themselves, their families and communities and ActionAid is a catalyst for that change. In the 1990s, ActionAid adopted a human rights-based approach to development, which is ongoing as its core approach. In 2003, the ActionAid International Federation was established, comprising members in every region of the world, and headquartered in South Africa.
ActionAid International Nepal (AA Nepal) is a member of the federation, working for human rights, antipoverty and gender equality. It is a non-governmental national social justice organisation established in 1982 and working locally in different provinces of Nepal. It is also a part of both national and global social justice movement and other civil society networks, alliances and coalitions.

This ToR is prepared for a Retainer-Translation Services who will review and translate various policies and other official documents of AA Nepal from English-Nepali or Nepali-English, as and when required.
2. Objectives

The key objective of bringing in a Retainer- Translation Services is to acquire expert translation services and support for any translation related work at AA Nepal as and when required.

The Retainer- Translation Services is expected to provide the following services:

  • Understand AA Nepal’s policies, procedures and other official documents provided for translation and make translation contextual;
  • Review the document(s) requested for the translation and refine it in a very simple, clear and understandable language, yet ensuring that it gives a proper sense and interpretation against the original English/Nepali document;
  • Coordinate with the concerned staff at AA Nepal for feedback and make necessary changes as suggested to finalize the translation assignments;
  • Follow a standard format as prescribed by the concerned staff at AA Nepal for translation;

The Retainer- Translation Services is also responsible to maintain confidentiality of AA Nepal’s documents including policies, procedures or any other information that is shared with her/him during the assignment and must not take reference of those documents and information in any other task.

3. Timeframe
This agreement will be effective for one year from the date of contract signing. The contract might be renewed based on the performance of the Retainer- Translation Services and need of the organisation.
4. Reporting
The Retainer- Translation Services will work closely with and report to the concerned staff at AA Nepal depending upon the nature of the document to be translated. However, Human Resource and Organisational Development Manager of AA Nepal will provide the oversight to the Retainer’s work.
5. Service Fee
The Retainer will be paid an agreed upon amount as and when a translation work is carried out.

Interested Firms/Individuals should propose their translation service fee inclusive of applicable taxes mentioning the nature of translation. Different rates for different translation service category are acceptable.
6. Retainer’s Profile
The Retainer – Translation Services should be an expert of English-Nepali and Nepali-English translation with the following competencies:

  • Master’s degree in Literature is highly preferable;
  • Have experience of working in the development sector;
  • Have solid prior experience of translating policies, procedures, etc. from Nepali-English and English-Nepali;
  • Excellent skill on Microsoft Office package and Nepali typing (Specifically, in Preeti font).

7. Proposal Evaluation Criteria
Key Areas for Proposal Evaluation Weightage
Technical Proposal 70%

  • Understanding of the ToR and delivery approach (15 points)
  • Demonstrated at least 3 years of expert experience in translation services from Nepali-English and English-Nepali (20 points)
  • Demonstrated the capacity to carry out the translation related assignments (20 points)
  • Evidence of customer/client satisfaction in terms of translation services provided in past(15 points)

Financial Proposal 30%

  • A clear financial proposal with breakdown of rates for different translation service categories (20 points)
  • Compliance with all statutory requirements (10 points)

8. Proposal Submission Guideline
Interested consultancy firms/individuals who meet the above requirements should send their proposals by 30 September 2020, 17:00 hrs to

  • The proposal should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capability as required by the nature of the work and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the terms of reference.
  • Eligible firm should submit their organisation profile, CVs of Consultant and financial proposal.
  • At least two positive references/recommendations from past employers must be submitted.
  • Enclose a copy of company registration with latest renewal, VAT certificate with latest renewal, and citizenship certificate of the proposed consultant (in case of firm).
  • Enclose a copy of citizenship certificate and PAN certificate (in case of individual).

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kathmandu
Organization Size 1-10
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