SDGs Resource Person

Nepal Administrative Staff College
Location: Nepal
Salary:As Per Organization's Rule
Posted Date: 2019-12-05 Deadline: 2019-12-11
  • Nos. of Opening : 21
  • Location : Nepal
  • Qualification Degree : Master Degree in Development, Economics, Rural Development, Geography, Demography, Sociology, Policy and Planning and Public Administration.
  • Salary : As Per Organization's Rule
  • Category : Teaching / Education
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description

Nepal Administrative Staff College
Supporting Subnational Governments for Localizing and Integrating Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) in Local Planning
Call for Applications

Position: SDGs Resource Person

A. Background
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global agenda for achieving sustainable economic, social and environmental development. Nepal, a member of United Nation, has signed the SDGs 2030. The success of SDGs implementation clearly depends upon how effectively and efficiently the SDGs agenda are carried out in the subnational level and how well the local governments are capacitated in preparing period plans and budgeting process. In this backdrop, Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) in partnership with United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) Nepal is carrying out a comprehensive capacity development programme to support the local governments in implementing SDGs through their periodic and annual plans and programmes. For this, NASC invites applications from qualified Nepali Citizen as SDGs Resource Persons with the terms of reference described below. 

B. Key Roles

  1. Participate in training on SDGs and local planning process organized at NASC
  2. Actively participate in pre-testing and piloting of integrating SDGs in local planning
  3. Work with selected local governments to prepare the periodic plans and integrate SDGs in of local government
  4. Provide fortnightly progress report of assignment to NASC with documentation of lessons learnt
  5. Prepare a field report and participate in post field debriefing workshop
  6. Arrange logistics and carry out needful for assignments

(It is expected that each SDGs Resource Person will contribute approximately four months of work, but actual days may vary depending upon the Local Government of assignment and other considerations).

C. Reporting
The Resource persons will work under close supervision of Technical Team and Supervisors and maintain regular communication with Technical Team and Supervisors.

D. Proposed Key Timeline

  1. Training: December 2019
  2. Pretesting and piloting: December 2019
  3. Deployment in Local Government Field work: January-April 2020

E. Qualification and Experience


  • Master Degree in Development, Economics, Rural Development, Geography, Demography, Sociology, Policy and Planning and Public Administration.


  1. Knowledge of SDGs, local planning process and contemporary issues of governance
  2. Ability and commitment to work in challenging field circumstance
  3. Knowledge about local culture and language
  4. Skill on rapport building and working in a multi-cultural team
  5. Previous experience on working on the local government and planning process would be preferred

(We seek to applications from those belonging to diverse gender, social, cultural backgrounds and geographies.)

F. Required Number : 21 persons

G. Remuneration

The selected SDGs Resource Person will receive monthly salary during their assignment with the local government and other benefits as per NASC policy.

H. How to Apply?

  1. Send your application with a cover letter and updated CV via email to with cc to with the subject line “Application for SDGs Resource Person_name of applicant”
  2. Application Deadline: 11 December 2019
  3. Only short listed applicants will be called for interview
  4. NASC reserves rights to make final decision on selection without further clarification.

Anil Kumar Gupta
Training and Research Officer
Nepal Administrative Staff College
Jawalakhel, Lalitpur
Mobile: 9849677713

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

The Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) was set up as a national level autonomous institution on 27th September, 1982 (11 Aswin, 2039 BS) under the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) Act, 1982

Industry Type Others
Location Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal
Organization Size 1-10
Active Jobs By Nepal Administrative Staff College

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