Refugee and Asylum Assistant

US Embassy, Nepal
Location: Nepal
Salary: Negotiable
Posted Date: 2018-06-07 Deadline: 2018-06-19
  • Location : Nepal
  • Working Position : Entry Level
  • Qualification Degree : Completion of Bachelor’s degree in Law or Social Sciences is required.
  • Salary : Negotiable
  • Category : Others
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description


The incumbent performs a full range of Refugee and Asylee “following-to-join (FTJ)” visa processing, and handles non-routine and complex Refugee and Asylee FTJ cases. The incumbent drafts routine correspondence, including complex notes, case files, and reports relating to complicated Refugee and Asylee FTJ visa issues. The incumbent prepares cases for review by consular officers and maintains all records on Refugee and Asylee FTJ cases, including statistics. The incumbent responds to telephone queries in English, Nepali and Tibetan on a variety of FTJ visa matters and assists in consular anti-fraud investigation work associated with FTJ visa petitions. The incumbent routinely assists consular officers with interpretation as needed. As and when required, the incumbent assists with  immigrant and diversity visa processing.

General Requirements:

Education Requirements:

Completion of Bachelor’s degree in Law or Social Sciences is required.


EXPERIENCE: Minimum of three years of experience in the area of visa work, other related work in the consular field, or similar work involving the application of relatively complex regulatory or legal material is required.


LANGUAGE: Level IV (fluent) speaking/reading/writing English is required. Level IV (fluent) speaking/reading/writing Nepali is required. Level IV (fluent) speaking/reading Tibetan is required.   English language ability will be tested.

SKILLS AND ABILITIES: The ability to exercise tact in dealing with numerous clienteles is required. The ability to use various Windows-based computer applications such as MS Outlook, MS Excel and MS Word is required.


All applicants under consideration will be required to pass medical and security certifications and complete a mandatory probationary period of one year for LE Staff.

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs. The EEO complaint procedure is not available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon marital status or political affiliation. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief.

How to Apply:

All candidates must be able to obtain and hold a security clearance.

Applications must be completed and submitted through Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA).  To view the vacancy announcement and apply directly, please visit:

For information on ERA and instructions on how to apply, please visit the ERA information page in our internet site below:  

Applicants must upload the supporting documents as applicable (e.g. copies of education transcripts, proof of citizenship, residency permit, license etc.) through ERA to be considered.

Paper or e-mailed applications are not accepted.

Required Documents:

Proof of Citizenship 

Degree with transcript

Training Certificates

Other Documents (e.g. Experience Certificates)

List of references

Resume (Optional but not required)

Residency and/or Work Permit (If applicable)

DD-214 - Member Copy 4, Letter from Veterans’ Affairs, or other supporting documentation (if applicable)

SF-50 (if applicable)

What to Expect Next:
Applicants who are invited to take a language, skills, or who are selected for an interview will be contacted via email.

Refugee and Asylum Assistant     Click here to download file

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

The mission of the U.S. Embassy in Nepal is to assist Nepal’s development as a peaceful, prosperous, and democratic nation that contributes positively to regional stability.  In pursuit of this goal, the United States encourages multi-party democracy, including respect for human rights and the rule of law, and sustainable, market-oriented, and private-sector-led economic development.

Industry Type Embassy / Diplomatic Agency
Location Kathmandu
Organization Size 1-10
Active Jobs By US Embassy, Nepal

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