Major Responsibilities: Support government agencies to strengthen the policy, legal and regulatory frameworks; support improved quality assurance systems in both state and non-state sectors; provide evidence base for further strengthening of the existing structures to ensure quality health service provision; work with the government and international and national partners to design and implement quality assurance mechanisms at the point of service delivery and develop measures for periodic monitoring of the mechanisms.
Minimum Qualification and Experience: Master’s degree in Public Health, Medicine or similar field with a minimum of five years of experience in supporting improvements in policy, systems and quality assurance. Experience of working in global health concerning quality improvement initiatives and issues is desired.
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Download and fill the Application Form, email it with your updated CV with the subject line: Application for …… position.
Applications without completed application form or sent in other email addresses will not be considered.
Application Submission Deadline: March 30, 2017, 5 pm NPT
HERD International reserves the right to accept and reject applications. Candidates from disadvantaged communities, women and with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.
HERD INTERNATIONAL is a research and development agency, promoting evidence informed policies and practices for sustainable development and contributing to improve quality of life of people. It is legally registered as a service company under the Office of the Company Registrar, Ministry of Industry, Nepal. HERD INTERNATIONAL functions with the principles of Youth-Centric Empowerment, High Regard to Human Subjects, Partnership and Collaboration, Integrated Development, Innovation for Impact, Translating Evidence into Policy and Practice and Zero Tolerance on Corruption and Misappropriation. All members of this organization embody in principle and practice these principles.
We function with 3E approaches of EFFICIENCY, EXECUTION and EMPOWERMENT.