KATHMANDU MEDICAL COLLEGE PUBLIC LIMITED Sinamangal, Kathmandu (Affiliated to Kathmandu University & Recognized by Nepal Medical Council)
Urgent Wanted
Kathmandu Medical College (KMC) invites job applications from qualified Nepali Citizens for the Medical Officer post in the following Departments. Application should reach the address given below within 7 days from the date of its first publication.
Medical Officer for following Departments: (Medical Doctor):
Department Department
Emergency ENT
General Surgery Internal Medicine
Neuro Surgery Gynaecology
Pediatrics Psychaitric
Should have passed MBBS degree from recognized institution. Medical officer who are currently working in this college can also apply. The candidate should have registered with Nepal Medical council.
Please submit a covering letter with application form provided by KMC, detail CV, Council Registration Certificate, all academic qualification certificates and citizenship certificate. Kathmandu Medical College reserves the right to select or reject any application without disclosing any reasons.
Human Resource Department
Phone No: 4469064,4469063
Email: hrd@kmc.edu.np
Kathamndu Medical College established in 1997. Kathmandu Medical College Pvt. Ltd., comprising of leading doctors, businessmen and charity organizations took over the management of KMC on 1st May 2000. The intention is to provide service which is easily accessible, reasonably cheap and of the highest standards. The fact that an increased number of sick and needy are seeking medical aid at KMC Teaching Hospital is proof of this. The college is located in the capital Kathmandu.