Universal Power Company Ltd (UPCL) is a public company incorporated on 16 Chaitra, 2067 (March 30, 2011) as per Company Acts 2063 of Nepal with the objective to develop and invest in hydropower projects. It is currently developing Tallo Khare Khola Hydropower Project which has installed capacity of 11 MW in Dolakha District and owns its generation license. The Project is located in Ward No. 5, 6 & 8 of Gaurishankar Rural Municipility. Its registered office is located at Kathmandu-11, Bluestar Complex, Tripureshwor.
Job Location : Kathmandu (Visit to project site as and when required)
Job Type : Full Time.
Salary : Salary will be best as per industry standard.
Educational Qualification : Bachelor Degree in Mass Media & Journalism. Or, Bachelor Degree in any stream at least 2 years of experience in similar field.
Position : Media Marketing & Communication.
Experience : Preferred Public Relation with media and social media campaign.
The role encompasses to carry out activities keeping within media and publicity policy & strategy of the company owning media relationships, executing public & media relation activities and arranging all external corporate communication with print, electronic, and A/V media.
Job Description:
Qualified candidates are requested to send their updated CV at info@upcl.com.np/ hr@chf.com.np before February 15, 2018.