Master Trainers for District Training of Trainers

WaterAid Nepal
Location: Nepal
Salary: Negotiable
Posted Date: 2015-07-15 Deadline: 2015-07-25
  • Location : Nepal
  • Working Position : Entry Level
  • Qualification Degree : Bachelors/Masters degree in a public health or social sciences or equivalent degree
  • Salary : Negotiable
  • Category : NGO / INGO / Social work
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description


Diarrhoeal diseases are preventable, yet remain a leading cause of death among children under five in Nepal. Every year in Nepal, around 2,190 children under five lose their lives due to diarrhoea and many millions suffered severely. Further, outbreaks of cholera affect the country regularly. Diarrhoeal diseases are associated with malnutrition and may increase the risk of infectious diseases such as pneumonia. While major advances in treating diarrhoea have been made, diarrhoea prevention remains challenging due to failures to increase access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices in areas with high disease burden. Improving hygiene behaviours is therefore vital for the reduction of those preventable diseases in Nepal.

Child Health Division with the technical and financial support from WaterAid has developed a project: 'Hygiene Promotion through Routine Immunisation' in Nepal. The project is being piloted in four districts in Nepal. The aim of the pilot project is to demonstrate, with the view to expansion and scale-up, the promotion of safe hygiene practices through the routine immunisation programme in Nepal.

The major thrust of the project is behaviour change among mothers attending immunisation clinics with their under one year child, by training and enabling Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) to facilitate mothers for positive behaviour change. Eventually, it is hoped that the intervention will contribute to reducing childhood morbidity and mortality. A hygiene promotion package has been finalised and endorsed by the Ministry of Health and Population and can now be implemented in the pilot districts. Prior to the project implementation in the districts, Master Training of Trainers (MTOT) will be organised to prepare a team of expert trainers, so that those who receive MTOT will take lead in coordinating and conducting training at district level. 

Purpose and rationale of the assignment:
In order to effectively manage and implement training on Hygiene promotion, Master trainers will  be assigned and who will be overall responsible to plan, implement, and monitor quality training  using hygiene promotion package at district level. Those who have received the MTOT will conduct a Series of training to all district level  supervisors/officers, and health institutions in-charges/health workers of periphery health  facilities. The trained staffs will then conduct training to FCHVs at local level.
Scope of work:
The Master Trainers will perform the following specific tasks: 
ï‚· Receive five days intensive MToT training at central level 
ï‚· Develop district training action plan (Calendar of Operation) in close collaboration and coordination with respective DHO, Child Health Division and Technical Support Unit supported by WaterAid (Who, what, when, why, how & where)
ï‚· Agree date and venue for the different lots of training at district and illka level
ï‚· Select participants in coordination with respective DHO
ï‚· Collect and arrange in a timely manner all materials required for training at districts and periphery level 
ï‚· Coordinate and arrange other facilitators/resource persons for the training (if needed)
ï‚· Conduct district level planning meeting and training for all district supervisors 
ï‚· Conduct district / illaka level training for all health facility in-charges
ï‚· Manage the financial part of the district and illaka level training
ï‚· Monitor the training for a quality application of the skills developed by facilitators through MTOT. 
ï‚· Document the training event completed and prepare a summary report of each training event and also the consolidated report of all training conducted in the district
ï‚· Support DHO in maintaining up-to-date financial transactions of the training budget and ensure that costs are utilised as per the proposed budget heads and or manage district training financial expenditure in coordination with TSU.
ï‚· Coordinate and collaborate with district stakeholders working on WASH an health in district
ï‚· Ensure timely and supportive supervision of local level training targeting to FCHVs.
ï‚· District training action plan (Calendar of Operation)
ï‚· Execution of district level training for district supervisor 
ï‚· Execution of district / illaka level training for all health institution in-charge / focal person
ï‚· Summary consolidated training progress report
ï‚· Statement of expenditure (details)
Duration of assignment:
ï‚· The duration of the assignment will be maximum of 60 days working period from August 12 to November 30, 2015.
Qualifications, skills and experience required:
ï‚· Bachelors/Masters degree in a public health or social sciences  or equivalent degree  
ï‚· Expert knowledge, skills and experience in training management especially in training facilitation and delivery
ï‚· Experience in effectively monitoring and evaluating training processes and outcomes
ï‚· Effective interpersonal skills, empathetic, proactive, creative, problem solving and ethical management 
ï‚· Experience on hygiene promotion, behaviour change  and health promotion 
ï‚· Excellent interpersonal and coordination skills
ï‚· Excellent oral and written skills

Apply Instructions

Applicants interested are requested to apply to the address given below with the following documents:
1. Letter of Intent/Covering Letter
2. Up-to-date CV highlighting previous experience and competency required for the assignment
3. Copy of citizenship
4. Copy of PAN registration 
Attention: Project Manager, WaterAid-Technical Support Unit, Hygiene Integration Project, 
Child Health Division/DoHS, Kathmandu, Nepal. Tel: 01-4252855
(Please note that telephone inquiries will not be accepted)

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

WaterAid Nepal (WAN) is an international non-governmental organization established  in 1987 with the aim of transforming lives by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in the poorest communities. WAN has been contributing to the water and sector in Nepal by increasing peoples’ access to inclusive and sustainable water and sanitation services, improved hygiene behaviour coupled with advocacy and capacity building on WASH.
Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal GPO Box. 20214, Kathmandu, Nepal
Organization Size 1-10
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