The APSO Market Development Specialist will assist Intervention Managers Component 1 and 2 to implement the components at the district level, developing plans and programmes, and supporting institutional capacity development of local government and agencies. S/he will also be the focal point for coordinating direct micro-entrepreneurship development in the MEDEP supported districts.
S/he will have the following specific duties and job responsibilities:
Support IMC1, IMC4 and IMC5 to develop a clear strategic vision for Component 1, 4 and 5, updating the Components’ intervention logic and monitoring progress on the achievement of the Components’ objectives;
Support the District Micro-Entrepreneurs Groups Associations to develop credible business plans, governance structures and membership offers to recruit new members;
Drawing from the experience accumulated by MEDEP, itemise the technological solutions developed over the years (under the appropriate technology component), develop new solutions and package them as a deliverable service for micro-entrepreneurs on a cost-recovery basis. Embed these service packages in the membership offer of the district membership associations.
Support the District Micro-Entrepreneurs Groups Associations to develop relationships with micro-finance institutions to extend access to finance to members;
Drawing from the experience accumulated by MEDEP, support district micro-entrepreneurs associations to market financial products to members. Embed these service packages in the membership offer of the membership associations;
Map the financial service providers in the districts of competence;
Provide support on enhancing access to finance among the micro-entrepreneurs promoted under the project, especially in inaccessible hill and mountain areas;
In partnership with Intervention Manager Component 1, organize training on capacity development of the district BDSPO on enhancing access to finance among the micro-entrepreneurs promoted under the programme;
Provide support to transform D-MEGA into financial cooperatives and assist them to develop the capacity on accounting, book keeping, governance, loan management and financial management;
Mentor district micro-entrepreneurs associations to adopt development (business plans), market membership offers, recruit members, develop and manage budgets;
Support district micro-entrepreneurship associations to develop financial counselling services to help groups of entrepreneurs form cooperatives and have access to the Rural Self Reliance Fund;
Work closely with Regional and relevant district level offices (MOAC and MOFSC) for increased access to technical support services;
Develop mechanism to link micro-entrepreneurs with input suppliers, and to markets;
Support the development of the commercial strategies and visions of selected district MED service providers to expand their capacity in delivering MED;
Support district level MED service providers to develop linkages with the institutions working on developing and dissemination of the appropriate technologies required for the development of the micro-enterprises, as part of their bidding strategy;
Support district training institutions to develop, package and market training courses for the development of Enterprise Development Facilitators (EDF), in particular, targeting those Nepali service providers who could potentially be new entrants in the MED market;
Provide policy advisory to the MEDEP Intervention Managers and DDCs on improving policies, regulations and guidelines for the successful implementation of MEDPA;
Ensure that MEDEP activities are planned and implemented in a gender sensitive and inclusive manner and that all implementing partners are sensitized and trained in gender and social inclusion.