_* Female Local Candidates are encourage to apply for the position.
_*Responsible for handle overall Factory Section, Administration Section, CER and Sales Unit.
_* Should Responsible for Cash Management Process (deposite and withdraw cash in bank)
_* Should Responsible for handle immediate situation in organization.
_* Should have knowledge in computer application, handle petty cash book, should submit weekly office expenses to seniors.
_* Should have knowledge of creating brand of new product through social media like Facebook, tweeter, google etc.
_* Responsible for record staff attendance in biometric machine/ register, approve staff leave, recruiting new staffs, collect record of monthly OT list, TADA list and calculate wages/salary of staffs.
This position is created to monitor and balance overall working environment of small organization. So one should share and learn much more official administration task in one role.You are a keen person for the company.
First, you are selected as a Contract Manager for 6 months of time. than you will be selected for permanent Manager of the company as per your performance evaluation. We provide job training, if you need for better improvment in our company.
Submit updated CV, cover letter, 1 passport photo, scan copy of all academic certificates, training & job experience on upadhayrishiram@gmail.com You must keep all documents that you mention on your CV. Request you to write your applied position on subject of email.