Swisscontact is the business-oriented independent foundation for international development cooperation. Represented in 33 countries with over 1100 employees, it promotes - since 1959 - economic, social and environmental development.
Nepal Vocational Qualifications System (NVQS) is envisioned a long-term project, about 10 years, focused on bringing about systemic changes in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system in Nepal that will enable women and men including disadvantaged groups to get access to increased employment and self-employment performing at higher productivity levels leading to higher income, enhanced livelihood and resilience, and thus combat poverty and promote inclusive growth.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is supporting the Ministry of Education to establish a National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) and a corresponding National Vocational Qualification Authority (NVQA) to manage it through NVQS Project. Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation (Swisscontact) provides Technical Assistance to the project.
Ministry of Education is the institutional partner and National Skill Testing Board (NSTB)/Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) is the direct implementation partner until it will be transformed into a NVQA under its own legal umbrella. In its first phase (2015 – 2019), NVQS is expected to set enabling framework conditions, the setting up base for an independent legal entity, building institutional and human capacities of existing NSTB, and strengthening and expanding existing service delivery in all 75 districts in Nepal.
Swisscontact invites applications from qualified candidates for the following position:
Essential Functions
Purpose: This position, under the specific guidance of the Capacity Development Specialist, is expected to work in programme related and finance and admin related activities of NVQS. The incumbent will assist design and develop NVQS monitoring and measurement instruments, NSTB marketing and public relation strategies, assist improvement/update of NVQS MRM Plan, also support the implementation of the assigned tasks of NVQS finance and admin. The post holder will contribute to the day-to-day operations of the project and be responsible for maintaining professional documentation of the programme related products.
The incumbent is expected to assume following functions at NVQS:
Programme related
Admin and Finance related:
Knowledge, Skills and Experience
Working Conditions
At the end of the internship, Capacity Development Specialist and Senior Finance and Administrative Officer will provide full feedback on the job performed and the Team Leader will give the final decision, upon successful completion of the assigned duties, the Intern may request a letter of recommendation.
To Apply: Submit your current CV with a cover letter to NVQS PSU Office, CTEVT Complex, Sanothimi Bhaktapur or email to: on or before 23 November 2016.
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the selection process. Swisscontact shall not entertain any phone enquiries or other such solicitations for the position.
Swisscontact promotes workforce diversity and applies positive discrimination to candidates from discriminated groups (Women, Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi /Terai and other minority communities)
Swisscontact supports economic, social and ecological development of South Asia by implementing projects which enable people to improve their living conditions on their own initiatives. Swisscontact has been engaged in international development cooperation in the region since 1962, when it started working in Chandigarh, India and established the Indo-Swiss Training Centre. Gradually, Swisscontact expanded operations across Bangladesh in 1979, Pakistan and Sri Lanka in 1980 and Nepal in 1990.
At present, Swisscontact South Asia has the largest portfolio of development projects in Bangladesh and the office located in Dhaka functions as the South Asia Regional Office (SARO). Swisscontact also maintains a country office in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Swisscontact aims to further strengthening its presence in South Asia whilst building and maintaining strong networks with private businesses; public agencies; micro, small and medium enterprises; non-governmental organisations and civil society; bi- and multi-lateral donor agencies and host governments.