Head of Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office

Location: Nepal
Salary: Negotiable
Posted Date: 2015-12-16 Deadline: 2015-12-24
  • Location : Nepal
  • Working Position : Entry Level
  • Qualification Degree : Master's Degree
  • Salary : Negotiable
  • Category : NGO / INGO / Social work
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description

Head of Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office

Location : Kathmandu, NEPAL
Application Deadline : 24-Dec-15
Additional Category Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction
Type of Contract : FTA International
Post Level : P-4
Languages Required : English  
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract : One year


Since 2006 when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) was signed, Nepal has achieved many of the peace process goals, setting the country on the path to deeper democratization. However, many of the commitments in the CPA are yet to be met and Nepal is not yet out of its transition. Though the prospect of a return to armed conflict seems unlikely particularly after the recent promulgation of the constitution, there is still a likelihood of continued disgruntlement as the practical implications become evident. Experience elsewhere in the world has demonstrated that pathways to peace are fragile, non-linear and unpredictable.

The UN plays an important role in Nepal’s transition; however, previous major UN peace-building mechanisms have withdrawn (UNMIN departed Nepal in January 2011, OHCHR in the second quarter of 2012 and OCHA is phasing out). Residual responsibilities have been assumed by an integrated Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office (RCHCO) which has an expanded number of staff in Kathmandu and a network of three Field Coordination Offices (FCOs) which are piloting a new approach to managing such transitions through the Transition Support Strategy (TSS). The TSS aims at strengthening the UN Country Team (UNCT) and the UN system’s capacity to: provide peace building support and address emerging peace building challenges; strengthening the attention to the long term development dimensions of the peace process; and maintaining a flexible humanitarian and development response capability to respond to crises that could risk de-stabilizing the peace process. In addition to serving the UNCT, it serves the wider donor community and the government with a wide range of products and services.

The UNCT and the Government of Nepal signed an UNDAF in September 2012. Its implementation is expected to run till end 2017. The country analysis that preceded the UNDAF was centered on the concept of vulnerability and its underlying root-causes. The UNDAF that followed is built around ways in which to address such root-causes with a clear aim at improving the lives of Nepal’s most vulnerable population groups. The process of developing a new UNDAF from 2018 will be initiated in 2016 with evaluation and country analysis. The years ahead will therefore require a strong emphasis on this process including ensuring a focus on root-causes of vulnerability and facilitating close cooperation between UN agencies and partners.

The expanded RCHCO office has about 30 staff at the moment (about half in the field and half in Kathmandu), though its structure, set-up, and number of staff are likely to change in the months to come.

In the coming 2 years, the RCHCO will maintain a  focus on four strategic issues, which affect the country and the peace process 1) follow-up on the earthquake response, recovery and reconstruction; 2) technical expertise in relation to remaining peacebuilding issues and transitional justice processes, including implementation of the constitution, the federal system and sexual violence during the conflict; 3) leadership and coordination of the continued efforts to ensure inclusion of vulnerable groups in all dividends and development gains, including through the adoption of a conflict sensitive and rights-based approach to programming; 4) and the adoption of information management and communications tools for evidence-based analysis, programming and risk management.

On all four areas, the RCHCO draws from its field based networks for information to inform and assist the UN and partners. Since 2014/2015 three field offices have been co-located with the UNDP CPP field presence to increase the collaboration as well as introduce greater efficiency in resource utilization. Following the earthquake on 25 April 2015, the RCHC also assumed the role of Humanitarian coordinator in Nepal and by extension, the RCHCO became the RCHCO, providing support to the RCHC, the HCT and the humanitarian community at large. Once the initial deployment of the OCHA office will diminish and close down by the end of the year, the RCHCO will need to ensure the smooth transition of residual coordination and humanitarian tasks, which OCHA is currently fulfilling.

The RCHCO will continue to work on a principle of flexibility as and when needed. Where there are residual coordination needs, the RCHCO will facilitate those, though in line with the intention of a diminished presence and 'one leader', where possible UN agencies and partners will take the lead. The intention of the RCHCO is to continue the reduction and nationalization of the office structure. It is foreseen that by 2017, the RCHCO will resume the size of most RCHC offices as the global level, primarily funded by DOCO.


Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

  • Managing the RCHC Office;
  • Strategic level planning for implementation of the Transition Support Strategy;
  • Planning and implementing of current and upcoming UNDAF governance structure, M&E framework and fundraising efforts;
  • Strong and effective coordination, advocacy and knowledge management;
  • Facilitation of knowledge management and strong advocacy;
  • Promote and prioritize gender and social inclusion considerations in all areas of programme work.

Effective management of RCHC Office focusing on the achievement of the following results:

  • Lead and oversee activities emanating from the RCHCO, set priorities, develop the annual work-plan and ensure follow up and feedback;
  • Ensure contractual issues and budgets are well managed;
  • Supervise and manage performance of staff in the RCHCO and support strong cooperation and synergies between different units and offices, between Kathmandu and the field, and between international and national staff;
  • Ensure effective management the Field Offices and in particular ensure a strong linkage between the Field Offices and Kathmandu-based staff;
  • Manage and coordinate the preparation of the RCHC Annual Report, contribute to the drafting of this document and ensure the participation and involvement of all agencies in the process.  The same task is expected for all questionnaires, reports and important correspondence required from the RCHC or his office;
  • Oversee the mobilization, management and allocations of funds from UN HQ,  UN Country Team members and donors, including for TSS, while controlling delivery and reporting in line with agreed results.

Ensure strategic level planning for implementation of the Transition Support Strategy focusing on the following results:

  • Oversee and ensure the continued preparation and delivery of high quality and evidence based analysis, monthly updates and other TSS products and services that narrow the knowledge gap between Kathmandu and the rest of the country;
  • Adjust, successfully implement and monitor the RCHCO results-framework;
  • Mobilize resources for the post-2015 implementation of the TSS;
  • Conduct regular field visits and office-wide planning meetings to ensure consistent and high-performing implementation of the TSS across all parts of the RCHCO;
  • Work closely together with the DPA Liaison Unit on the above issues where appropriate.

Planning and implementing the UNDAF governance structure, M&E framework and fundraising strategy

  • Strategic support and advice to the RCHC and UNCT to advance the UN coherence agenda for development results;
  • Manage and support the achievement of results of the UNCT including facilitating and supporting the UNDAF Steering Committee and UNDAF Outcome Steering Groups leading to well prepared, facilitated, and followed-up meetings and other initiatives;
  • Oversee the results of the various coordination groups such as the Youth Group and M&E Group;
  • Coordinate and contribute to the analysis of the political, social and economic situation in the country and the review and formulation of strategic documents;
  • Ensure the continued preparation of accountability systems, tools and instruments for a more effective implementation of the 2013-2017 UNDAF including support to the RCHC and UNCT on strategic communication and reporting to government and partners;
  • Facilitate and coordinate the preparation of a new UNDAF from 2018, including the evaluation of the current UNDAF;
  • Advise the RCHC and UNCT on UN system joint programming opportunities in the context of UNDAF implementation and monitor UN joint programming implementation;
  • Provide strategic support and advice to the RCHC and UNCT on joint fund raising.

Ensure strong and effective coordination focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Ensure increased and improved coordination between development partners, including by facilitating certain thematic working groups that draw their participants from across the UN and other multilateral and bilateral development partners;
  • Manage the UNCT meeting schedule and other important meetings chaired by the RCHC as required;
  • Coordinate agendas for these meetings, alerting the RCHC of pending and important issues to be raised, and follow-up on decisions/recommendations made;
  • Maintain close working relationships with agency representatives, UN colleagues and other relevant partners, such as Government counterparts and NGOs, at all levels;
  • Identify actions for enhancing inter-agency cooperation and coordination;
  • Support coordination with UN Non Resident Agencies;
  • Liaise with the DPA Liaison Unit as needed;
  • Oversee and facilitate humanitarian preparedness and response efforts;
  • Facilitate and coordinate UN support to recovery and reconstruction efforts.

Ensure facilitation of knowledge management and strong advocacy focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Advise the RCHC in establishing and maintaining strategic relations with all partners and stakeholders;
  • Maximize partnership opportunities with relevant regional and HQ UN entities, including mobilizing resources for system wide initiatives;
  • Oversee the advocacy program and results of UN activities and positions, including within the development effectiveness agenda and the SDGs in close consultation and coordination with the Communication Group and UNIC;
  • Be the focal point for UN and civil society interactions on the SDGs;
  • Oversee the work of the Information Management Unit and facilitate the flow of information between UN global systems, the RCHC, the UNCT and UN staff in Nepal, ensuring that all relevant parties are kept informed of latest initiative and request while facilitating follow up action;
  • Facilitate knowledge building, management and network among the staff.

Promote and prioritize gender and social inclusion considerations in all areas of programme work in line with the Country Office policy on gender and social inclusion.

  • Ensure that RCHCO prioritize gender and social inclusion considerations, both in terms of mainstreaming gender and social inclusion and setting specific programme targets where appropriate;
  • Work with other teams and units to ensure that management of projects is conducted with gender and social inclusion considerations given due priority.

 Impact of Results

The expected impact of these key result areas is a well-managed Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator's Office that plays a pivotal role in Nepal's transition, by coordinating and supporting a wide range of actors involved in such transition. It is expected that the function will lead to better coordinated and therefore more effective support by the UN Country Team to Nepal's long term development efforts through a well implemented UNDAF as well as to its more short term understand and protection of operational space. It is also expected that the results will have as an impact a better understanding by a wide range of stakeholders - UNCT, donors, and government, partners alike,  - of the realities and context on the ground, thereby contributing to more relevant programming by the overall international community.



Functional Competencies:    

Advocacy/Advancing a Policy-Oriented Agenda

Analysis and creation of messages and strategies

  • Creates effective advocacy strategies;
  • Performs analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses.

Results-Based Programme Development and Management

Contributing to results through provision of information

  • Provides information for linkages across programme activities to help identify critical points of integration;
  • Provides information and documentation on specific stages of projects/programme implementation;
  • Provides background information to identify opportunities for project development and helps drafting proposals;
  • Participates in the formulation of project proposals.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Identifying and building partnerships

  • Effectively networks with partners seizing opportunities to build strategic alliances relevant to UNDP’s mandate and strategic agenda;
  • Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of counterparts, clients and potential partners;
  • Promotes UNDP’s agenda in inter-agency meetings.

Innovation and Marketing New Approaches

Developing new approaches

  • Seeks a broad range of perspectives in developing project proposals;
  • Identifies new approaches and promotes their use in other situations;
  • Creates an environment that fosters innovation and innovative thinking;
  • Makes the case for innovative ideas from the team with own supervisor.

Resource Mobilization (Field Duty Stations)
Implementing resource mobilization strategies

  • Analyzes information on potential bilateral donors and national counterparts to recommend a strategic approach;
  • Identifies and compiles lessons learned;
  • Develops a resource mobilization strategy at the country level.

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing

Developing tools and mechanisms

  • Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches;
  • Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms.

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise

In-depth knowledge of the subject-matter

  • Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments.

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals

Analysis and creation of messages and strategies

  • Performe analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses;
  • Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for global advocacy work and adapts it for use at country level.

Client Orientation

Contributing to positive outcomes for the client

  • Anticipates client needs;
  • Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider;
  • Demonstrates understanding of client’s perspective;
  • Solicits feedback on service provision and quality.

Core Competencies:

  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
  • Building support and political acumen;
  • Building staff competence,  creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization;
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member;
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking;
  • Prince2 training and certification, RMG.


Required Skills and Experience


  • Completion of Master’s Degree in international development studies, law, political science, economics, statistics, management, coordination, social sciences, or other relevant field.


  • At least 7 years progressively responsible work experience in humanitarian, development and/ or transitional operations. At least six years work experience in the field in a post-conflict setting.
  • Proven field experience in UN coordination and resource mobilization.
  • Previous work experience in South Asia and/or Nepal and working on issues related to transition will be considered an asset.
  • Outstanding political judgment

Language requirements:

  • Fluency in oral and written English is essential;
  • Proven capacity to write in a fast and concise manner.


Click here for important information for US Permanent Residents ('Green Card' holders).
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

UNDP works in more than 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kathmandu
Organization Size 100+
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