CAMRIS International is an international development and research firm that realizes innovative solutions to health and development challenges through high-quality, cost-effective program and research management services. With experience working in more than 80 countries, we combine our proven systems with today’s most effective, evidence-based best practices to improve the lives of people around the world. We apply a customized, customer-centric, cost-effective business approach to offer greater value to our clients and challenge the way things have always been done in our field.
CAMRIS clients include U.S. government agencies and multilateral and private organizations. Our core practice areas include public health, agriculture, and food security, economic development, education, environment, empowerment of women and other marginalized populations, humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, monitoring, evaluation and learning, and medical research.
In support of the CAMRIS-implemented, USAID/Nepal Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Activity, CAMRIS seeks a Field Researchers for Mid-Term Evaluation of ‘Hamro Samman’ project. The purpose of this Mid-term Evaluation is to determine whether the activity is on track to accomplish its intended goals and objectives, and recommend course corrections if this is not the case and/or if adjustments should be made given Nepal’s state restructuring and political transition. The evaluation will also assess the degree to which there is early evidence of sustainability of project results, and whether the approach appears to be advancing the Mission’s GESI policy. This evaluation will examine the effectiveness of approaches and relevance of project developmental hypothesis and theory of change. The evaluation will also draw lessons on how effective the project has remained in the changed political context and how should it go ahead in the remaining life of the project. The mid-term evaluation will be primarily for the use of USAID and the Implementing Partner in terms of identifying best practices and lessons learned to guide project implementation. USAID will also use evaluation findings and recommendations to inform future programming decisions.
Apply Link: https://careers-camris.icims.com/jobs/4826/field-researcher/job
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