EOI - Consultant Video Documentary

WaterAid Nepal
Location: Nepal
Salary: Negotiable
Posted Date: 2016-02-12 Deadline: 2016-02-15
  • Location : Nepal
  • Working Position : Entry Level
  • Qualification Degree : -
  • Salary : Negotiable
  • Category : NGO / INGO / Social work
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToR)
Consultant Video Documentary - World Water Day 2016 – Water, Women and Jobs

Established in 1981, WaterAid is an international non-governmental organization focused on improving people’s access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation in developing countries. It works on the basis that water and sanitation are human rights, and are essential services vital for health, education and livelihoods. WaterAid has been working in Nepal since 1987. Our work in Nepal spans across 22 districts and 153 VDC, and is based on a programmatic approach to ensure service delivery and promote advocacy in the WASH sector. By 2014/15, WaterAid Nepal has reached 272,441 people with safe water and 372,924 people with sanitation in Nepal.

A lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) affects womendisproportionally, due to both biological and cultural factors. In addition to meeting women’s specific practical needs, WASH is also essential for their social and economic development, contributing towards gender equality and the realisation of their rights. To achieve these goals, decision-makers must address the persisting inequalities between women and men, embracing the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination to ensure universal access to water and sanitation for all women everywhere.
Often we come across situations and stories where women living in poverty, and having to travel for hours and hours for fetching water in their daily life losing opportunities and being deprived from their other rights such as right to employment, right to political participation, right to leisure time, right to dignity, right to health, right to adequate standard of living and sometimes even right to education. In Nepal, from a study done on 100 women, it is found out that women work a total of 688 hours per day compared to only 485 hours for men. This means that, on average, Nepalese women work 1.4 hours for every one hour worked by Nepalese men. Similarly, women tend to spend longer than men on both collection of fuel and water and other unpaid care work in comparison to men1. Women and girls perform most of the unpaid labour associated with WASH in households and communities. This reduces the time they have available for education, economic activities and leisure. A lack of economic independence compromises their empowerment and perpetuates gender inequality. With improved access to WASH, women have more time to undertake income generating activities. WASH programmes also provide women with the water needed to carry out economic activities and can create opportunities for paid work. Easier access to water can, for example, enable a woman to water a kitchen garden, improving their family’s food security and providing an opportunity to earn money by selling the surplus. Women’s involvement in decision-making about water resources and in WASH programmes is critical to their empowerment, but it is important not to overburden them with additional unpaid work on top of their existing responsibilities. 1 Making Care visible – Women’s unpaid work in Nepal, Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya, 2015

Access to water and sanitation are recognised as fundamental human rights in the Constitution now. The rights to water and sanitation require that these basics are adequate, accessible, safe, acceptable and affordable for all without discrimination, and violations of these constitute a violation of women’s rights. Thus, WASH programmes need to work in collaboration with other initiatives that address discrimination and women’s rights violations. Programmes must strengthen the connections between the rights to water and sanitation and other rights, including to health, education, food, work, land, freedom from violence, and the right to information. Equipping people with knowledge of their rights and the skills to undertake advocacy for themselves, by themselves, really can shift the balance of power.

The overall objective of the assignment is to produce a documentary film on the WAN programming with a special focus on accessible water and women especially focusing at women from rural, urban areas, adolescent girls, women with disabilities and from excluded communities featuring best approaches, best practices, achievements and real impacts in the project areas. Specific objective of the assignment: Under the direct supervision of the Advocacy and Research Unit , the Consultancy firm will be required to;

 Develop the documentary film’s overall concept and scenario.
 Interview selected interviewees (from rural, urban, excluded communities, and from persons with disabilities) for the film who will include actual beneficiaries, local government officials, WAN implementing partners and key members of WAN
 Visit the project sites and interact with the local communities who’ve been impacted by the WAN-supported projects to get context.
 Develop the documentary script and storyboard to be used in the film.
 Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the Projects’ major beneficiaries and stakeholders.
 Present a draft documentary to WAN by end of February for comments about contents.
 Produce a 10 minute video in DVD


 Meeting with project stakeholders the field as advised by WAN to collect and record data;
 Submit a storyboard and script for the documentary to WAN for approval before filming;
 Present draft documentary to stakeholders in the visited project areas at the end of the field mission and incorporation of comments;
 Produce an edited Video Recording of the scenarios captured, and the footage of the recorded stories.
 Present a complete 30, 10 and 5 minute documentary film version with sub titles in English, and hand over 2 master copies of each version to WAN and two extra copies with the extra footage for future usage.
 Present a complete package of video with designed DVD cover


The Consultant will report to WaterAid Nepal’s Research and Advocacy Manager as
assigned by the Country Representative.


Activity Timeline
Consultation meeting with relevant WAN team members to clarify scope of work and TOC In the day of signing the contract Visit the site and start film making With in a week of signing of the contract
Collect feedback and incorporate By end of Feb Completion of the project 15 March 2015 after signing the contract


The consultancy firm will be required to have;
 5 and above years of experience working in similar field.
 Extensive experience in producing development work related documentaries for international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences.
 Experience in working with INGOs and other international organizations.
 Local Knowledge of the all regions in Nepal particularly WAN project areas.
 Excellent technical capacities (state of art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production.
 Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage.
 S/he should have good command in English with previous experiences in communication and documentation

 During the entire period of the assignment, the Consultant shall make themselves available for providing the Service to WAN.
 In providing the Services to WAN, the Consultant shall ensure to the best of its/their reasonable endeavors the highest professional standards and exercise all due care, skill, and competence so as to ensure that the Services provided shall be to the full satisfaction of WAN and requirement of the Assignment. The Consultant shall render the Services in a proper and timely manner.
 The Consultant shall always comply with the relevant internal laws and policies of WaterAid in providing the Service to the WAN.
 All reports and documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as WAN property
 The reports / documents or any part, therefore, cannot be sold, used and reproduced in any manner without prior written approval of WAN.

Detailed terms and conditions shall be mentioned in the consultancy agreement.

The Concept Note should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capability as required by the nature of the work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work. Eligible consultants should submit concept note clarifying scope of work, methodology, work plan and budget for performing the assignment.

The Concept Note should also include supporting documents such as:
 Copy of company registration certificate (not required for independent persons/freelancers)
 CV and proof of eligibility to work in Nepal (copy of citizenship/passport for Nepali nationals)
 Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate

The revised deadline for submission of Concept Note is 15th February 2016. The Concept Note shall be submitted with the subject line mentioning “CONCEPT NOTE FOR CONSULTANT DOCUMENTATION- CONTRIBUTION IN RECOGNIZING WATER AND SANTIATION RIGHTS” to the following address.

WaterAid Nepal
Nakhipot-14, Lalitpur, Nepal
GPO Box. 20214, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: 01-5573365
Email: wateraidnepal@wateraid.org
Website: www.wateraid.org/nepal

WaterAid Nepal reserves the right to accept & reject any concept note without giving any verbal and/or written rationale, and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. WaterAid Nepal will not entertain telephone queries regarding the concept note

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

WaterAid Nepal (WAN) is an international non-governmental organization established  in 1987 with the aim of transforming lives by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in the poorest communities. WAN has been contributing to the water and sector in Nepal by increasing peoples’ access to inclusive and sustainable water and sanitation services, improved hygiene behaviour coupled with advocacy and capacity building on WASH.
Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal GPO Box. 20214, Kathmandu, Nepal
Organization Size 1-10
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