EOI- Consultant Documentation

WaterAid Nepal
Location: Nepal
Salary: Negotiable
Posted Date: 2016-02-12 Deadline: 2016-02-15
  • Location : Nepal
  • Working Position : Entry Level
  • Qualification Degree : -
  • Salary : Negotiable
  • Category : NGO / INGO / Social work
  • Nature : Full Time
Job Description

Terms of Reference (ToR)
Consultant Documentation –Contribution in recognizing
water and sanitation rights in Nepal Constitution 2015

Established in 1981, WaterAid is an international non-governmental organization focused on improving people’s access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation in developing countries. It works on the basis that water and sanitation are human rights, and are essential services vital for health, education and livelihoods. WaterAid has been working in Nepal since 1987. Our work in Nepal spans across 22 districts and 153 VDC, and is based on a programmatic approach to ensure service delivery and promote advocacy in the WASH sector. By 2014/15, WaterAid Nepal has reached 272,441 people with safe water and 372,924 people with sanitation in Nepal.

WaterAid Nepal (WAN) has been proactively engaged in protecting water and sanitation rights emphasizing special needs of women, Dalits, Persons with Disabilities, poor and excluded groups. It has partnered with civil society organizations in raising agenda of peoples rights and also expedited its global presences in different parts of the world. The Constitution of Nepal, 2015 stated that every citizen shall have the right to access to clean drinking water and sanitation under Article 40.d. It is a great success in the path of protecting the Human Right to Water and Sanitation. It is essential to document and analyze various advocacy strategies adopted by different stakeholders including WaterAid Nepal (WAN). 

Some of the key advocacy strategies were:
ï‚· De-mystifying Human Right to Water and Sanitation to develop common understanding amongst CSOs
ï‚· Identifying and partnering with champions
ï‚· Mass campaigning and media engagement with clear messages reflecting impact on peoples lives

It is essential to trace such strategies as well as others which might have been lost in institutional memory, and document some of the key lessons while adopting these strategies. It can be a good learning document for supporting other countries who are in the process of advocating for the right to sanitation and water as human rights.

The main objective of this assignment is to document and analyze catalytic role played by organizations like WAN for success in recognition of right to water and sanitation in the constitution.

Specific Objectives are:
ï‚· Identify and analyze interventions carried out based on major advocacy strategies
ï‚· Document the key milestones that helped bring the change
ï‚· Document major lessons and reflections while advocating for the right to water and sanitation for influencing the country constitution

The Consultant is expected to work on the following areas:

a) Review literatures and previous documents of WAN and partners
b) Conduct Key Informant Interview of WA staffs, WAN partner representatives, political leaders, media partners and other stakeholders for collecting information on CSOs role in lobbying for right to water and sanitation
c) Prepare and submit Summary Report on WAN Contribution on realizing right to Water and Sanitation based on agreed upon Table of Contents (TOC)

The Consultant will report to WaterAid Nepal’s Research and Advocacy Manager as assigned by the Country Representative.



Activity Timeline
Consultation meeting with relevant WAN team members to clarify scope of work and TOC In the day of signing the contract Literature Review and conduct Key Informant Interview : Within 1 week of the contract

First draft of Summary Report Within 10 days of the contract Review and feedback by WAN Within 2 days of first draft submission Final Report incorporating WAN comments :  Within 3 days after review by WAN

 The Consultant should possess at least five years of work experience in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH sector) with previous experiences of advocating for right to sanitation and water
 S/he should have good working relationship with WAN partners and WASH stakeholders to independently coordinate information collection processes
 S/he should have good command in English with previous experiences in communication and documentation

 During the entire period of the assignment, the Consultant shall make themselves available for providing the Service to WAN.
 In providing the Services to WAN, the Consultant shall ensure to the best of its/their reasonable endeavors the highest professional standards and exercise all due care, skill, and competence so as to ensure that the Services provided shall be to the full satisfaction of WAN and requirement of the Assignment. The Consultant shall render the Services in a proper and timely manner.
 The Consultant shall always comply with the relevant internal laws and policies of WaterAid in providing the Service to the WAN.
 All reports and documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as WAN property
 The reports / documents or any part, therefore, cannot be sold, used and reproduced in any manner without prior written approval of WAN.
Detailed terms and conditions shall be mentioned in the consultancy agreement.

The Concept Note should demonstrate sound knowledge, technical skills and capability as required by the nature of the work of the assignment and understanding of the requisite tasks set forth in the scope of work. Eligible consultants should submit concept note clarifying scope of work, methodology, work plan and budget for performing the assignment.

The Concept Note should also include supporting documents such as:
 Copy of company registration certificate (not required for independent persons/freelancers)
 CV and proof of eligibility to work in Nepal (copy of citizenship/passport for Nepali nationals)
 Copy of PAN/VAT registration certificate

The revised deadline for submission of Concept Note is 15th February 2016. The Concept Note shall be submitted with the subject line mentioning “CONCEPT NOTE FOR CONSULTANT DOCUMENTATION- CONTRIBUTION IN RECOGNIZING WATER AND SANTIATION RIGHTS” to the following address.

WaterAid Nepal
Nakhipot-14, Lalitpur, Nepal
GPO Box. 20214, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: 01-5573365
Email: wateraidnepal@wateraid.org
Website: www.wateraid.org/nepal

WaterAid Nepal reserves the right to accept & reject any concept note without giving any verbal and/or written rationale, and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. WaterAid Nepal will not entertain telephone queries regarding the concept note

This Job is expired. The Company is no longer accepting applications for this position.

Organization Summary

WaterAid Nepal (WAN) is an international non-governmental organization established  in 1987 with the aim of transforming lives by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene in the poorest communities. WAN has been contributing to the water and sector in Nepal by increasing peoples’ access to inclusive and sustainable water and sanitation services, improved hygiene behaviour coupled with advocacy and capacity building on WASH.
Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal GPO Box. 20214, Kathmandu, Nepal
Organization Size 1-10
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