Tips Interview 2019-07-26 14:05:50

So you just got a call for an interview in the company that you really want to work in and you don’t want to screw it up? In most cases, candidates ruin their interview because of their nervousness. You must not let the stress get to you.

To make a good impression during the interview, here are some things that you must prepare prior to your first interview:

Research on the company

Conduct thorough research on the company that you are interviewing for before going for the interview. You need to be familiar with their operations, management and current projects. These things are usually mentioned in their company website.

Know what the company is looking for

Try to find out as much information as you can about the post you are applying for and the type of skills and attitudes that the company is looking for in their employees. This way you can highlight those skills and attitudes when introducing yourself and presenting yourself favorably in front of the interviewees.


Search for common interview questions on the internet and practice answering them in front of the mirror or in front of other people. Questions regarding your skills, weaknesses and your introduction are common questions, so you can jot down the answers beforehand and highlight the things that the interviewers are looking for. This way you will be more comfortable in the interview and will be able to stand out among other candidates.

Choose an appropriate outfit

Choose your interview outfit beforehand. When selecting your outfit, keep your look basic and conservative for companies that have a business or business casual dress code. If you don’t know about the dress code, ask your friends or someone you know who is working at that organization. If not then paly is safe by wearing semi-formal wear that makes you look professional. Make sure your outfit is clean, shoes are polished, nails are cleaned, hair is clipped back and make yourself look presentable.  

Prepare the documents

You need to bring your resume, cover letter, certificates, reference lists and any other documents that the organization is asking for. So, prepare all your necessary documents beforehand and place it in a file. You can easily grab this file on the day of the interview.

Get some sleep

Sleep is the most important thing. After preparing everything, go to sleep as you will need enough sleep to wake up fresh and prepared for your interview. Sleep deprivation can easily ruin your interview with lack of focus. So, get at least 8 hours of sleep before your big interview.  

